Dr Jose Muñoz

My main goal is to obtain a better knowledge of the role of the fibre-rich fraction of Quorn mycoprotein (beta-glucan and chitin) on the gut microbiota composition. These glycans can potentially be great prebiotics for the human health, increasing the content of beneficial bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Quorn mycoprotein will be an incredible ingredient supporting the beneficial interactions in the gut and enhancing the health of humans.
Dr Jose Muñoz is currently a Vice Chancellor Research Fellow in Human Nutrition at Northumbria University, UK. His independent research career focuses on trying to understand the role of the human gut microbiota in the metabolism of carbohydrates present in the diet, with a long-term aim to design new free-antibiotic therapeutic strategies to improve the human health.
Jose’s specific research interest lies in understanding the structure and function of carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZYmes) and how they are implicated in the metabolism of different dietary glycans which are found to be present in grapes or wheat, beers or bread, and cereals or fungi. He has been working in the field of gut microbiota for the last 6 years and has published 53 papers in this area.